Friday, March 14, 2008

Dependancy on technology

My computer have completely died off this week, taking tons of precious archives along with it. Another reminder of the reason for my insistence on minimal reliance on technology.
Here is a recent test for the handling quality of paint. Feels good when the material works. Digital medium is great, but it is no good once any of the complicated setup breaks. Why drive a car when it is close enough to walk?(Assuming one knows how to walk...)


NoName@blogger said...

sorry to hear about the computer dying. good to see the drawings again.

Mike Stanislavsky said...

that looks great , doing your best within strict limits and not having too many choices is awesome

Jim Yang said...

Arnie - On the up side, I am now on a laptop with a thin scanner. You know what will happen if I visit the LA public library again...

Mike - You mean like eating $.99 cookie from Walgreen for 3 years kind of restriction? *smile* I am not sure if I still have the VIP after their recent drop in cookie sales.