Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Cold winter...

Haven't been a good blogger lately. Thought I would post a quick update with some recent photo to get things rolling again. This winter has been especially cold for Vancouver. The snow hit us hard and is great for photographing snow scenes. These were taken on a trip to the near by lake last week. The lake were frozen but not safe enough to be walked on yet.(Some dude actually fell into it the day before we went.) My fingers were numb by the time we got back to the car, but it was totally worth it.


Sam Illustration said...

Wow These pictures are beautiful. You must publish a book .

Unknown said...

man, these are awesome, landscape painting would be so fun out there, except for the bitter cold :p

NoName@blogger said...

good stuff.

Jim Yang said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jim Yang said...

Had no idea how to edit a post... so I killed the previous one and repost.

Sammy - Selling photos to buy art books... hum... I am liking the idea. *smile*

DerMidlet - The only thing is I can only last roughly an hour under this temperature.(before shaking too much and had to take break.) I should probably start painting faster. *smile*

Arnie - More art photos...