Time flew since the last crawl. Went downtown Vancouver for the crawl today. A much smaller turn out compare to the last one.(Guess no one want to be out under the cold, rainy X-file weather.) Anticipating some delay(based on the experience last time), I picked a complicated scene to start with. Luckily, I end up having slightly under two hour of working time as we waited for any late comers at the meeting spot. Hopping from one in door location to another, my umbrella was stolen(or mistakenly taken) at the sushi restaurant. Fortunately, I have my rain jacket and hat with me.
Picked up my watercolor again. Not sure why. After using the cheap watercolor for so long, it is hard to get used to regular paint again. Avoided using pencil and went directly with the brush this time.
Done in the local workshop during the weekend.(If Monday counts as weekend...) We had a really nice model with a pink dress. She was nice enough to bring them through the difficult commute.